What happened on 22nd May 2023 - with your comments in the Web

On this Monday, junior doctors in England have announced a new 72-hour walkout in June after the latest round of government pay talks broke down. The strike will take place between 07:00 on Wednesday 14 June and 07:00 on Saturday 17 June.

 Readers consider the govt offer of a 5% rise non-serious and intended to destroy the NHS.

"They offered 5%.

Basically the AFC but without the one off bonus payment. They are not serious at all about negotiating with doctors. Expect months of strikes and a new ballot with a similar mandate."

"The government is not serious because they want the NHS to fail. They want to bring in a US style healthcare system so the corporate insurance companies can make money. Privatization is the name of the game with conservatives, they just aren’t at the place where they are comfortable saying it aloud. The next election is probably the last chance to save the NHS."

At the same time, patients complain of lack of medical treatment:

"Definitely support the NHS staff I am just hoping they get a deal soon as my surgery has already been cancelled twice."

 And the Guardian reported that a 58-year-old woman died on floor after waiting over five hours for ambulance in Wales.

"The beast has collapsed from starvation. I know it's already unofficially the case, but they should probably make it public policy that ambulances are only for heart attacks and strokes from now on."

Meanwhile there was a great discussion around a TikToker who entered stranger’s home defends videos amid calls for his arrest.

First, it was a disputable video in the Web on which this guy entered some random house for a TikTok fame. There was a hot argument on Twitter, if he does anything illegal or hurtful for the man and his family by this invasion of privacy.

Then it turned out that he stole a dog ad a joke. So Reddit wasn't so gracious for him as Twitter was.

"Lmao he's literally trying Ali G's 'iz it because I iz black?'..

Nah man, it's because you're being a fucking cretin and stealing peoples dogs."

"I can't believe he tried that one. Nothing bad has happened to him at the hands of his victims, nothing bad was said to him. He literally committed crimes and recorded it and there was zero evidence of any racism yet he still says people are racist if they don't support his criminality? Jesus wept!"

"There’s an uproar because your black?

Playing the race card? Really?

I hope he gets the book thrown at him, and I hope his parents throttle him for playing the race card.

There’s real inequality in this country. When you play the race card to this stuff, your making a mockery of it. He should be ashamed both for what he’s done and the comments he’s made about race."

Another video scandal of Monday regarded to screening of Bollywood film 'The Kerala Story' considered by Muslims 'Hindu nationalist 'propaganda' and Islamophobic'. It also sparked violent clashes in India. During their mass protests Muslim activists stormed Birmingham cinema screening it.

Claims that thousands of women have been converted to Islam and made to join IS in Kerala have been the subject of fierce criticism. 

Muslim readers of the Daily Mail appeal not to watch this film. But others don't think so. Some even call the authorities to take strong measures.

"The film destroys harmony? No mate running into a cinema kicking off destroys harmony and any credibility your organisation retains."

"They need to accept UK Culture of Tolerance and Free speech. Respect people have a right to different views."

"How dare you dictate what I can and can't watch."

"The police need to crack down on these protesters or we will have the same problems as with the eco and animal rights activists. Heavy fines and jail time needed now."



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